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Non-Surgical Breast Lift
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Non-Surgical Breast Lift Treatment in Melbourne

Breast Lift in Melbourne, provided by Skin Club, is a procedure performed by our proficient doctors. With their extensive knowledge and expertise in the field, they employ innovative techniques that aim to enhance body contour and improve self-confidence. Trust your aesthetic journey with our competent medical professionals at Skin Club.
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Ask an Expert,
Dr. Vi Sharma

Medical Director | Gen.Reg- MED0001665706

Structural Specifications of a Breast Lift

A breast lift, also known as a mastopexy, involves tightening the tissues surrounding the breast to reshape and support the new contour. It can be done in conjunction with breast augmentation or breast reduction to achieve a more aesthetically pleasing shape and size.
A breast lift is usually performed under general anesthesia. In some cases, however, local anesthesia with intravenous sedation may be used. The specific choice of anesthesia will be determined by various factors including patient preference and doctor recommendation.
On average, a breast lift surgery can take anywhere between 1-3 hours contingent on the complexity of the operation and whether it is being combined with other procedures such as augmentation or reduction.
Like any surgical procedure, a mastopexy can lead to scarring on the breasts. There are several techniques which place incisions in inconspicuous locations to lessen visible scarring; however, the extent of scarring varies depending on individual body responses.
Incisions for a standard breast lift are usually made around the areola extending vertically down to the breast crease and horizontally along this fold itself – creating what’s known as an ‘anchor’ pattern. However, other minimal incision methods might also be used depending on various factors.
Risks and complications

All claims made on this website or in articles regarding cosmetic procedures are highly subjective and your experiences may vary.

The information provided is not intended as medical advice and should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

Recovery time, side effects, and pain associated with cosmetic procedures can also be subjective and can vary depending on the individual’s circumstances, perspective, and personal preferences.

The information provided on this website is not intended to replace the advice of a qualified medical practitioner and should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Each individual must consult with a qualified medical practitioner before making any decisions to undergo any cosmetic procedure.

The content on this website is for informational purposes only and does not constitute professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

Some procedures may have minimal downtime, while others may require several weeks or months of recovery.

The level of pain and discomfort can also range from mild to severe, however, in most circumstances, the minimal amount of downtime and pain is endured.

It’s important to have a clear understanding and realistic expectations of the procedure, the recovery process, and the potential risks and side effects before making a decision to undergo any cosmetic procedure.

It’s essential to have open communication with your medical practitioner to have a clear understanding of what you can expect during and after the procedure, and to make sure that you are making a well-informed decision.

It is essential that each individual consults with a qualified medical practitioner prior to undergoing any procedure. 

Every surgery has its own procedure specific risks. Some general risks that can potentially occur across a number of procedures include:
Undesirable Cosmetic Outcome

While cosmetic surgery aims for improved aesthetics, individual results may vary. Clear communication with your surgeon about your expectations is crucial to achieve the desired outcome.


Infection is a possible complication after any surgery. Strict sterile protocols are followed to minimize this risk, but it's essential to monitor for signs of infection and seek prompt medical attention if any concerns arise.


Pain is common after surgery, and appropriate pain management strategies will be discussed with you to ensure your comfort during the recovery period.

Nerve Damage

Nerve damage is a rare but potential risk associated with surgery. Surgeons take precautions to avoid nerve injury, but it's essential to be aware of this possibility.

Bruising and Swelling

Bruising and swelling are common side effects following surgery. These usually resolve over time as part of the healing process.


While efforts are made to minimize bleeding during surgery, some bleeding is normal. Excessive bleeding should be reported to your medical team.


Scarring is a natural part of the healing process after surgery. The extent of scarring can vary based on factors like the type of procedure and individual healing.


A seroma is a collection of fluid under the skin. It can occur after surgery and may require drainage or other treatments.

Anesthetic Complications

Anesthetic complications are rare but possible. Anesthesia providers are highly trained to minimize these risks.

This section provides useful information on general risks related to surgery. Similar information on the risks related to specific procedures provided on the relevant procedure page.

Before & After Photos of Non-Surgical Breast Lift Result

Individual results may vary and are not guaranteed. The procedures shown on this website are not suitable for everyone and each patient’s results will depend on their individual circumstances. This website does not provide medical advice. If you are considering a cosmetic procedure, please consult with a qualified healthcare professional for advice.
Cosmetic Services Comparison
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Laser Clinics
Cosmetic Doctor
Nurse or Medical Doctor
1000+ Cases experience
Premium Products
Aesthetic Assessment
Complementary top ups
Free Initial Consultation
Evidence Based Treatments
Natural Results
Complication Management
No Doctor on-site
Sterile environment
Laser Clinics
Cosmetic Doctor
Nurse or Medical Doctor
1000+ Cases experience
Premium Products
Yes but biased with brands
Aesthetic Assessment
Complementary top ups
Free Initial Consultation
Evidence Based Treatments
Natural Results
Complication Management
No Doctor on-site
Sterile environment
Other Doctors
Cosmetic Doctor
GP / Part time Cosmetics
1000+ Cases experience
Premium Products
Cut costs
Aesthetic Assessment
Complementary top ups
Free Initial Consultation
Evidence Based Treatments
Natural Results
Complication Management
Sterile environment
Other Doctors
Cosmetic Doctor
GP / Part time Cosmetics
1000+ Cases experience
Premium Products
Cut costs
Aesthetic Assessment
Complementary top ups
Free Initial Consultation
Evidence Based Treatments
Natural Results
Complication Management
Sterile environment
Key Explains

The Five-Stage Approach to The Procedure

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Ask an Expert,
Dr. Vi Sharma

Medical Director | Gen.Reg- MED0001665706

Consultation & Examination

This initial stage involves discussing your overall health, your expectations, and your breast preferences in terms of size and shape. During this process, I will also conduct a detailed examination to understand your current physical condition and identify any potential risks or complications.
As a cosmetic doctor, I emphasize on tailoring treatment plans according to each individual’s unique needs. Using the information gathered during our consultation, I will create a Personalised surgical plan that focuses on achieving the desired results while minimizing risks.
This step involves the actual execution of the surgery plan at our state-of-art surgical center under specific medical guidelines. Proper steps are taken to ensure safety and comfort throughout the procedure which includes making incisions, reshaping breasts tissue, raising them to a more youthful position.
Once the surgery is completed successfully, precise instructions for recovery are given which include how to care for incisions, medications that need to be taken in order to reduce risk of infection and potential complications. A schedule for follow-up visits will also be provided in order to monitor progress and healing.
As part of our comprehensive care approach, we offer follow-up consultations beyond your immediate recovery period to assess the final result of your breast lift procedure visually as well as through touch ensuring that they feel natural.
Treatments by Cosmetic Doctors

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The Cosmetic Doctor Difference
We offer a detailed and personalised level of care to all of our patients. After your treatment, you will receive a details aftercare guide, along with after-hours phone support and booking for your complimentary review appointment.
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At SKIN CLUB – Cosmetic Doctors, you're in capable hands. Our medical team has over a decade of experience, ensuring all procedures are done with expert skill.
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Our clinic is committed to responsible practice. Post-procedure, our doctors are there to monitor your recovery.
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Introduction To Breast Lift: Its Purpose, HisTory and Advances

In this brief, you’ll be introduced to a cosmetic procedure known as the Breast Lift. This procedure is regarded for its potential to boost self-esteem and transform lives. Allow me to simplify the whole procedure, its purposes, and its historical context for you.

Purpose of the Procedure

A Breast Lift, also known medically as mastopexy, is a surgical procedure performed with an aim to raise sagging breasts. The surgery involves removing excess skin and tightening the surrounding tissue to reshape and support the new breast contour.

Many women consider this procedure due to various reasons such as:

  • Natural aging process which might cause sagging
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding effects that may stretch the breasts
  • Weight fluctuations which can contribute to breast sagging
  • Hereditary droopiness, a condition inherited from generations

This surgery can restore the youthful shape of breasts and can greatly improve self-confidence.

Historical Context and Advancements in Breast Lift Procedure

The first form of mastopexy was performed back in 1907 by a Berlin doctor named Vogt. Over time, advancements in surgical procedures and safety measures have dramatically improved the quality of results and reduced recovery times.

In recent years, we have seen an upsurge in procedural variations like short scar lifts or doughnut lifts. These newer techniques provide alternative methods for reducing visible scarring while achieving similar aesthetical results. These innovative advances serve to provide patients with more options that align with their goals.

Mastopexy continues to evolve on a regular basis offering solutions customized according to individual’s needs and desires. Whether you want to restore the breast shape after pregnancy or weight loss, or whether you are simply seeking a youthful silhouette, a breast lift could be an option worth considering.


Ideal Candidates for Breast Lift

While every individual is unique, the ideal candidates for a breast lift are typically those who meet certain age, health, and condition-specific criteria. The following factors might be considered when assessing suitability for this procedure:


The maturity of one’s body structure and the ability to heal well after surgery is critical. Ideally, candidates should be over 18 years of age, as this allows for complete development of the breasts.


Candidates should be in good general health and not suffering from any serious or uncontrolled medical conditions. Optimum results occur when one’s immune system can handle the surgery and healing period effectively.

Specific Conditions

  • Sagging Breasts: Those with sagging or drooping breasts due to factors such as age, weight fluctuation, pregnancy or breastfeeding may consider a breast lift procedure to restore firmness and elevation.
  • Ptosis: Women affected by ptosis (breast downward displacement) can benefit from this procedure.
  • Asymmetrical Breasts: In many cases where breasts aren’t evenly aligned or are different sizes, a breast lift can provide more symmetry.

Factors That Might Disqualify Someone From Undergoing a Breast Lift

Certain elements could potentially disqualify an individual from being an ideal candidate for a breast lift.

  • Pregnancy and Breastfeeding: Future pregnancies could compromise the benefits of a breast lift as gestation and lactation often cause changes in the size and shape of breasts. Therefore, it’s best if patients who plan to have more children delay the surgery.
  • Significant Health Issues: Conditions such as heart diseases, diabetes or cancers can increase surgical risk and impact recovery. A comprehensive health check is therefore essential before contemplating this procedure.

Examples or Scenarios

If you are curious about whether a breast lift may be an appropriate procedure for you, consider these scenarios:

  • You’ve noticed a significant sag in your breasts over the years, especially after having children and breastfeeding.
  • You’re unhappy with the loss of shape and volume in your breasts due to ageing or weight loss.
  • Your breasts have an elongated shape or are flat and pendulous.

If one or more of these scenarios apply to you and you meet the age and health criteria, a breast lift could potentially be beneficial. Always ensure to consult with a skilled Cosmetic Doctor for personalised advice.


Exploring the Financial Aspects of Breast Lift Surgery

Cosmetic Treatment Cost Comparison with Other Clinics In Melbourne

Cost Considerations for Breast Lift

The total cost of a breast lift procedure can vary significantly based on several factors. Here are some of the main cost considerations you should be aware of:

Potential Expenses

Investing in a breast lift is not just about paying for the surgery itself. There are several expenses that can add up and influence the total cost, including:

  • Doctor’s fee
  • Anesthesia fees
  • Hospital or surgical facility costs
  • Prescriptions for medication
  • Post-surgery garments
  • Medical tests

Influencing Factors

The final bill for your breast lift might be affected by variables like:

  • Geographic location: Hospitals or clinics located in urban centers or wealthier areas often charge more.
  • Doctor’s expertise: Doctors with more experience and a higher success rate usually have higher fees.
  • Add-ons: Any additional services like anesthesia or specific surgical techniques used that are not included in the basic price.

Average Cost Ranges

The cost of a breast lift can range from $4,000 to $10,000 in the United States. According to statistics from the American Society of cosmetic Doctors (ASPS), the average doctor’s fee for a breast lift was approximately $4,693 in 2018. Please note this estimate does not include anesthesia, operating room facilities, or other related costs.

It’s important to have an all-inclusive talk about the price with your doctor during the consultation and ensure that no hidden costs can surprise you later.


Understanding the Value of Consultation in Breast Lift

As a cosmetic doctor, I must emphasize the crucial role of scheduling a consultation with a qualified healthcare provider or professional before committing to any medical procedure, such as a breast lift. This meeting serves as an essential step towards understanding your unique body and aesthetic goals.:

What to Expect During Your Consultation

Aesthetic consultations generally involve several components that collectively aid in tailoring the most suitable treatment plan for the patient.

  1. Assessments: The provider will conduct physical examinations and take detailed medical histories to assess eligibility for the planned surgery.
  2. Discussions: The consultation is a valuable opportunity for discussing concerns, desired aesthetic goals, and potential risks associated with your breast lift procedure.
  3. Questions: Patients are encouraged to ask any questions they may have about the breast lift procedure. This will enhance understanding and manage expectations.

The Significance of Open Communication with the Healthcare Provider

Open communication between a patient and their healthcare provider enhances therapeutic rapport, increases satisfaction with care received, stands as paramount in determining the successful outcome of the treatment plan. As such it is highly encouraged to express any fears, doubts, or personal preferences during this consultation process.

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Take the first step towards realising your aesthetic goals. Contact us now to book your personalised consultation. Let's embark on this journey together, where your unique needs and preferences are at the forefront of our expert care.
Questions to Ask

Questions to Ask During Your Consultation for a Breast Lift

Before proceeding with cosmetic surgery such as a breast lift, it’s essential to gather as much information as possible. You can do this by asking your healthcare provider specific questions during consultations. These can help you understand the procedure better, discern potential risks and benefits, explore other treatment options, and set realistic expectations for the outcomes.

General Questions about Breast Lift Surgery

  • What does breast lift surgery involve?
  • Why would you recommend this surgery to me in particular?
  • Can you provide before and after photos of the results of similar procedures you’ve conducted?

Questions about Risks and Benefits

  • What are the potential risks and complications of this surgery? How common are they?
  • What are the benefits I can expect from this procedure? How long will the positive effects last?

Inquiries about Alternative Treatments

  • In addition to or instead of a breast lift, which hypothetical alternative procedures might be suitable for my situation?
  • If I decide not to undertake the surgery now, what non-surgical treatments would you suggest to manage my concerns?

Expected Outcomes and Recovery

  • What kind of results can I expect post-surgery? How long does recovery typically take after a breast lift procedure?
  • If needed, what kind of follow-up or subsequent procedures can I expect in the future?

Keeping Record of Your Consultation

Taking notes during your consultation can help you remember and review the information shared. It will assist you in making an informed decision about your treatment plan. Here are some tips on how to keep a comprehensive record.

  • Write down all your questions before the consult: This will ensure you won’t forget anything important to ask.
  • Detailed notes: Jot down the responses provided by your healthcare provider for each question asked.
  • Capture the facts: Don’t just write feelings or opinions, try to capture concrete facts and figures.
  • Recall immediately after consultation: Write down any additional thoughts or questions that come up after leaving your healthcare provider’s office.

Asking pertinent questions and keeping a thorough record of your consultations can greatly ease your journey and decision-making process toward a breast lift procedure.

Risks and Safety

Risks, Safety Measures, and Importance of Informed Consent in Breast Lift Surgery

Potential Risks and Complications

Like any surgical procedure, a breast lift comes with potential risks and complications, which include but are not limited to:

  • Bleeding: There is always a risk of excessive bleeding during or after the procedure.
  • Infection: Despite sterilization efforts, there’s a chance of infection which may require treatment.
  • Uneven breasts or nipples: It’s possible for the surgery to result in asymmetrical breasts or nipple height.
  • Skin sensation changes: A breast lift can alter sensation in the breast or nipple—either temporarily or permanently.

Safety Measures

The following safety measures are in place to minimise risks associated with a breast lift:

  • Meticulous Surgical Technique: Careful surgical techniques are utilized to reduce the risk of complications during the procedure.
  • Sterilization Protocols: Strict sterilization protocols are followed to prevent infection.
  • Patient Health Evaluations: Prior to the surgery, comprehensive health evaluations ensure that patients are healthy enough for surgery. This can include blood tests, chest X-rays, EKGs, etc., depending on patient age, medical history, and overall health status.
  • Informed Consent

    Informed consent is fundamental to acknowledging potential risks. As your Cosmetic doctor, I am obligated to discuss all potential risks and complications associated with a breast lift. This helps you makes an informed decision when weighing benefits against potential risks. You will then be asked to sign an informed consent form stating that you’ve been informed about possible risks and are agreeing to proceed with the operation despite these possibilities.


Breast Lift Surgery: Comprehensive Pre-procedure Preparation Guide

Before you undergo breast lift surgery, meticulous preparation is key to ensure a successful outcome and smooth recovery. Below, I’ve detailed steps you should take prior to your procedure, including necessary lifestyle adjustments.

Lifestyle Adjustments

  • Smoking: If you are a regular smoker, it’s recommended that you quit at least two weeks before surgery and not resume until recovery (at least two weeks after). Smoke can constrict blood vessels and compromise healing.
  • Alcohol: It’s also advisable to minimise your alcohol consumption as alcohol can affect the functioning of your immune system.
  • Exercise: Maintain a healthy exercise regime. Suddenly ramping up your exercise right before surgery isn’t advised as your body needs time to adjust.

Dietary Restrictions

Diet plays an important role in preparation for your breast lift procedure. A balanced diet high in protein with plenty of fruits and vegetables is suggested. Consuming enough water each day is also vital for hydration and recovery.
Avoid excessive caffeine or spicy foods that may aggravate the digestive system prior to surgery.

Meds & Supplements To Avoid

Certain medications/supplements can increase bleeding risk or interfere with anesthetics. Be sure to inform us of any regular medication you’re taking.
Avoid medication/pills containing:

  • Aspirin
  • Ibuprofen (e.g., Advil)
  • Vitamin E supplements
  • Certain herbal supplements (e.g., St. John’s wort, Gingko biloba)

Importance of Compliance with Pre-Op Instructions

Your healthcare provider’s pre-operative instructions are given to ensure your safety and the success of the procedure. Deviating from these may harm your health, lead to complications during the procedure or delay recovery times. Therefore, strict adherence is of utmost importance.


Comprehensive Guide to Breast Lift Surgery: Pre, During and Post-Procedure Steps

A breast lift, medically known as Mastopexy, is a cosmetic surgical procedure aimed at enhancing the breasts’ shape and position. Here is a comprehensive overview of each step involved in this procedure.

Before the Procedure

  1. Consultation: During this phase, patients meet with their cosmetic doctor to discuss their goals, the doctor will evaluate their health, and provide them with information about the surgery benefits, risks, and costs.

  2. Preparation: Based on the consultation, appropriate instructions will be given regarding diet, medication, or lifestyle changes needed before surgery.

During the Procedure

  • Anesthesia: The procedure begins with the administration of anesthesia to ensure patient comfort.
  • Incision: According to the predetermined surgical plan, an incision is made. The pattern depends on factors such as breast size and degree of sagging.</li
  • Lifting and reshaping: The underlying breast tissue is lifted and reshaped to improve contour and firmness.</li
  • Closing up: Once reshaped, sutures are used to close up your incisions range from dissolvable ones buried beneath the skin’s surface to those requiring removal.</li

After Procedure

  • Recovery: After surgery, there could be swelling and discomfort, but these shall lessen over time. Patients are provided with specific aftercare instructions.</li
  • Follow-Up: You will need to attend follow-up appointments with your doctor, typically a couple of weeks post-surgery to ensure everything is healing properly.</li

Please note: Individual experiences vary from patient to patient and results cannot be guaranteed.


Breast Lift Surgery: Post-Operative Recovery & Care

A breast lift, also known as a mastopexy, is a procedure that can help women regain confidence in their body image. Although the procedure can deliver fantastic results, understanding the recovery process is essential to optimal outcomes. Here are some critical elements of the post-operative phase:

Expected Duration of Recovery

The recovery process following a breast lift typically lasts several weeks, with full recovery expected around six weeks post-surgery. The duration may vary based on individual health status and adherence to aftercare instructions.

Post-Operative Care Instructions

  • Rest: Your body needs time to heal. Ensure you get adequate sleep and refrain from strenuous physical activities in the early stages of recovery.
  • Dressing: You will likely have bandages or a surgical bra immediately after surgery. Ensure cleanliness for optimal healing.
  • Medication: Prescribed medications are designed to manage discomfort and prevent infection follow the Doctor’s instructions carefully.

Pain Management and Physical Restrictions

Pain management is one of the primary concerns after a breast lift surgery. Mild to moderate discomfort is normal immediately after the procedure. Over-the-counter pain medications or those prescribed by your doctor can make this more manageable.
Please limit significant upper body motions (such as lifting or pulling) during this period; these actions could potentially hinder healing.

Follow-Up Appointments

During your recovery, follow-up appointments are necessary to monitor your healing process and remove stitches if needed. Usually, these meetings occur within one week post-surgery and subsequently based on your progress.

Side Effects and Complications

As with any surgery, there may be potential side effects or complications during the recovery period. These might include swelling, bruising, uneven breasts, infection, bleeding or changes in breast or nipple sensation. Immediately report any unusual symptoms to your doctor as these may indicate complications.


Anticipated Results and Recovery Timeline for Breast Lift Surgery

Undergoing a breast lift surgery, medically known as mastopexy, can yield significant improvements to the shape and positioning of your breasts. The procedure helps in lifting the breasts by removing excess skin and tightening the surrounding tissue.

Short-Term Outcomes

In the immediate aftermath of the surgery, patients are likely to experience some swelling and discomfort. These are normal reactions to the procedure and usually resolve within a few weeks. As each day passes, you will start noticing subtle enhancements in your breast shape and position.

Long-Term Outcomes

In the long term, a breast lift offers lasting improvement in self-confidence and body image. The breasts will appear firmer, perkier, and more esthetically appealing. It’s important to keep in mind that while results are generally long-lasting, they are not permanently immune from the effects of aging or gravity.

Treatment Timeline

The overall recovery timeline for a breast lift surgery varies but patients can typically see noticeable results immediately after any post-surgical swelling has reduced – this generally starts around 2-3 weeks after surgery. The final result is expected at 6 months when everything is completely healed and settled.Note that these estimates vary significantly from person-to-person depending on individual healing capacities of their bodies.

Maintenance and Aftercare

To maintain the look achieved with a breast lift procedure it is crucial to follow good health practices:

  • Consistent Weight: large fluctuations in your body weight can affect your results. Keeping a steady weight is thus critical.
  • Sun Exposure: prolonged exposure to sun especially on incision lines should be avoided as it can lead to scarring.
  • Healthy lifestyle: regular exercise and a balanced diet can help maintain the results achieved from the breast lift procedure.

People Also Ask

What is a breast lift?

A breast lift, also known as mastopexy, is an aesthetic surgical procedure designed to raise and reshape sagging breasts. It can also reduce the size of the areola (the dark skin around the nipple). This procedure aims to make the breasts appear more youthful and enhance self-esteem and confidence.

Ideal candidates for a breast lift are women who are healthy, non-smokers and those whose breasts have lost shape or volume due to age, pregnancy, breastfeeding or substantial weight loss. The sagging or drooping appearance of the breasts can be restored by this treatment.

In this procedure, the excess skin is removed and the glandular tissues are remodelled to give the breasts an uplifted form. The method used differs based on an individual’s anatomy and doctor’s recommendations. The three common techniques used are crescent lift, vertical lift and anchor lift.

All surgical procedures usually result in some extent of scarring. However, with careful surgical techniques these can be minimised.

Yes, Breast lifts are often combined with other procedures such as Abdominal contouring surgerys (abdominoplasty) or liposuction for comprehensive body contouring effects.

A breast uplift procedure is typically performed under general anaesthesia meaning you will be unconscious during the operation.

Recovery time varies from patient to patient, but most people can return to work within one to two weeks post-surgery. They can usually resume all normal activities within 3-4 weeks.

In most cases, health insurance providers do not cover cosmetic surgery procedures like a breast lift unless it is medically necessary.

Although comparatively safe, like all surgical procedures, potential risks exist including infection, poor healing of incisions and changes in nipple or breast sensation etc. It is essential to discuss these potential risks with your doctor before the surgery.

The results of a mastopexy can be long-lasting. However, factors such as aging, gravity, pregnancy, and weight fluctuations may affect the durability of the outcome. To maintain the results as long as possible, it is recommended for patients to maintain a stable weight and live a healthy lifestyle.

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Key Research Articles on Non-Surgical Breast Lift

We trawled through hundreds of studies to create the very best pool of knowledge for you. These are our favourites.

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