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Milia Removal
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Milia Removal Treatment in Melbourne

Milia Removal in Melbourne is now easily accessible through Skin Club. We offer a professional and clinical approach towards eliminating these small bumps or cysts that form mainly on the face. Our experienced doctors are equipped with the latest technology, and they are adept at providing this service in an environment that upholds utmost hygiene and care. Trust Skin Club for your Milia Removal needs in Melbourne.
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Ask an Expert,
Dr. Vi Sharma

Medical Director | Gen.Reg- MED0001665706

Understanding Milia

Milia are small, hard, white cysts filled with keratin that appear on the skin. Often misunderstood as whiteheads or some form of acne, they are typically benign and cause no discomfort or pain.
Milia often develop on facial areas like the eyelids, cheeks, forehead and nose. However, these can also be found on other parts of the body such as the torso or genital area.
Various factors contribute to milia formation including blistering injuries, long-term sun damage, long-term steroid cream use and skin resurfacing procedures like dermabrasion.
Numerous effective medical treatments exist for milia removal; these include topical retinoids, chemical peels, dermabrasion, manual extraction utilizing a sterile needle and electrocautery or laser ablation.
While it’s not always possible to prevent milia, regular exfoliation with a suitable skincare product may help reduce their occurrence by eliminating dead skin cells that can cause blockage to sweat ducts or hair follicles which leads to milia formatiom
Risks and complications

All claims made on this website or in articles regarding cosmetic procedures are highly subjective and your experiences may vary.

The information provided is not intended as medical advice and should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

Recovery time, side effects, and pain associated with cosmetic procedures can also be subjective and can vary depending on the individual’s circumstances, perspective, and personal preferences.

The information provided on this website is not intended to replace the advice of a qualified medical practitioner and should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Each individual must consult with a qualified medical practitioner before making any decisions to undergo any cosmetic procedure.

The content on this website is for informational purposes only and does not constitute professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

Some procedures may have minimal downtime, while others may require several weeks or months of recovery.

The level of pain and discomfort can also range from mild to severe, however, in most circumstances, the minimal amount of downtime and pain is endured.

It’s important to have a clear understanding and realistic expectations of the procedure, the recovery process, and the potential risks and side effects before making a decision to undergo any cosmetic procedure.

It’s essential to have open communication with your medical practitioner to have a clear understanding of what you can expect during and after the procedure, and to make sure that you are making a well-informed decision.

It is essential that each individual consults with a qualified medical practitioner prior to undergoing any procedure. 

Every surgery has its own procedure specific risks. Some general risks that can potentially occur across a number of procedures include:
Undesirable Cosmetic Outcome

While cosmetic surgery aims for improved aesthetics, individual results may vary. Clear communication with your surgeon about your expectations is crucial to achieve the desired outcome.


Infection is a possible complication after any surgery. Strict sterile protocols are followed to minimize this risk, but it's essential to monitor for signs of infection and seek prompt medical attention if any concerns arise.


Pain is common after surgery, and appropriate pain management strategies will be discussed with you to ensure your comfort during the recovery period.

Nerve Damage

Nerve damage is a rare but potential risk associated with surgery. Surgeons take precautions to avoid nerve injury, but it's essential to be aware of this possibility.

Bruising and Swelling

Bruising and swelling are common side effects following surgery. These usually resolve over time as part of the healing process.


While efforts are made to minimize bleeding during surgery, some bleeding is normal. Excessive bleeding should be reported to your medical team.


Scarring is a natural part of the healing process after surgery. The extent of scarring can vary based on factors like the type of procedure and individual healing.


A seroma is a collection of fluid under the skin. It can occur after surgery and may require drainage or other treatments.

Anesthetic Complications

Anesthetic complications are rare but possible. Anesthesia providers are highly trained to minimize these risks.

This section provides useful information on general risks related to surgery. Similar information on the risks related to specific procedures provided on the relevant procedure page.

Before & After Photos of Milia Removal Result

Individual results may vary and are not guaranteed. The procedures shown on this website are not suitable for everyone and each patient’s results will depend on their individual circumstances. This website does not provide medical advice. If you are considering a cosmetic procedure, please consult with a qualified healthcare professional for advice.
Cosmetic Services Comparison
What's The Difference
Laser Clinics
Cosmetic Doctor
Nurse or Medical Doctor
1000+ Cases experience
Premium Products
Aesthetic Assessment
Complementary top ups
Free Initial Consultation
Evidence Based Treatments
Natural Results
Complication Management
No Doctor on-site
Sterile environment
Laser Clinics
Cosmetic Doctor
Nurse or Medical Doctor
1000+ Cases experience
Premium Products
Yes but biased with brands
Aesthetic Assessment
Complementary top ups
Free Initial Consultation
Evidence Based Treatments
Natural Results
Complication Management
No Doctor on-site
Sterile environment
Other Doctors
Cosmetic Doctor
GP / Part time Cosmetics
1000+ Cases experience
Premium Products
Cut costs
Aesthetic Assessment
Complementary top ups
Free Initial Consultation
Evidence Based Treatments
Natural Results
Complication Management
Sterile environment
Other Doctors
Cosmetic Doctor
GP / Part time Cosmetics
1000+ Cases experience
Premium Products
Cut costs
Aesthetic Assessment
Complementary top ups
Free Initial Consultation
Evidence Based Treatments
Natural Results
Complication Management
Sterile environment
Key Explains

The Five-Stage Approach to The Procedure

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Ask an Expert,
Dr. Vi Sharma

Medical Director | Gen.Reg- MED0001665706

Consultation and Evaluation

The initial stage involves a detailed consultation process where we comprehensively evaluate your skin type, medical history and the condition of Milia. We provide briefings about various treatment options available and suggest the most suitable one for you, in accordance with your specific skin requirements.
This involves preparing your skin for the removal procedure. Treatment area will be cleansed thoroughly to eliminate any dirt or makeup residue. This is a critical stage as it ensures that your skin is ready for Milia removal and assists in minimizing post-procedure complications.
The actual process of Milia removal comes next which is carried out with extreme precision and care. It usually involves creating a tiny incision over the cyst and gently extracting its contents using sterilized equipment. While every possible endeavor is made to ensure comfort, minimal discomfort can be experienced during this stage.
Once the extraction is finished, we provide treatments to soothe the treated area as well as to promote healing. Patients receive specific guidelines on how to care for their skin at home following the treatment in order to maximize outcomes and speed up recovery.
Regular follow-up appointments allow us to monitor your recovery process, administer additional treatments if necessary and address any queries you may have regarding post-procedure care or outcomes. These are crucial sessions designed to ensure your treatment progresses optimally, catering specifically to your skin needs.
Treatments by Cosmetic Doctors

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Follow three straightforward steps to achieve your cosmetic goals, with high-quality care and support throughout.

Personalised Consultation

Book a consultation at our clinic where our experienced Australian medical professionals will assess your needs and discuss.


Expert Treatment

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We offer a detailed aftercare plan, supported by round-the-clock assistance. Rest assured, our Cosmetic Doctors are on hand 24/7.

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The Cosmetic Doctor Difference
We offer a detailed and personalised level of care to all of our patients. After your treatment, you will receive a details aftercare guide, along with after-hours phone support and booking for your complimentary review appointment.
Aftercare and Support
We use the newest technology for skin and body treatments. Our equipment is top of the line, sourced from the best globally.
Latest Technology
At SKIN CLUB – Cosmetic Doctors, you're in capable hands. Our medical team has over a decade of experience, ensuring all procedures are done with expert skill.
Experienced Doctors
Our clinic is committed to responsible practice. Post-procedure, our doctors are there to monitor your recovery.
Responsible Procedures
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Introduction To Milia Removal

If you’ve ever noticed tiny, hard, white bumps on your skin that seem to persist no matter what skin care steps you take, you very likely have milia. Milia are common non-threatening skin conditions allowing keratin, a protein naturally occurring in human cells, to be trapped under the skin’s surface. These plaques can appear anywhere on the body but mostly present on the face.

The treatment for this condition is called Milia removal, a simple procedure that aims to remove these little bumps and give your skin a smoother look. Over the past decade or so, advancements in cosmetic treatments have made milia removal more efficient and less painful.

Why do people consider milia removal?

Milia can be irksome not only from an aesthetic standpoint but also in terms of feeling; sometimes they itch or may give a gritty sensation. This is why many people choose to have their milia professionally removed. People may also feel self-conscious or frustrated about their appearance due to these tiny white bumps.

The greatest advantage of removing milia is undoubtedly cosmetic – eliminating these hard white cysts leaves your skin more uniform and bright. However, it also helps prevent future buildups from forming by ensuring rigorous dead-skin cell removal.

Historical Context & Advancements

The practice of milia removal has come a long way over the last couple of decades. Earlier treatments focused on slit and extraction techniques that posed higher risks of scarring and skin damage. A professional had to use a sterile needle or scalpel before using a comedone extractor damagings outer skin layers significantly.

Fortunately, developments in cosmetic surgeryhave made milia treatments quicker, safer and easier with minor discomfort if any at all. Modern techniques range from the use of potent retinol creams and microdermabrasion to laser treatments. These advancements have made the process quite manageable for patients while ensuring optimal results.


Ideal Candidates for Milia Removal

The ideal candidates for milia removal are largely determined by age, health, and specific conditions. Primarily, anyone, regardless of age or gender who is experiencing milia can be candidates for this procedure. Whether you’re a teen going through hormonal changes which often lead to skin issues like milia or an adult who wants to improve their skin’s appearance, this treatment option can work well.

Health Considerations: Whilecommonly recognized for its minimal risk factors, it is always essential to consider overall health status before undergoing any treatment. Candidates should ideally be in good health and not currently suffering from any major skin diseases or infections. Those with sensitive skin or certain skin conditions such as rosacea might require special consideration before undertaking this procedure.

Prerequisites and Potential Disqualifications

Before having a milia removal procedure, your doctor will review your medical history and perform a thorough examination of your skin. This is necessary to ensure that the small cysts are indeed milia and not another type of skin condition.

Important factors that might disqualify someone from undergoing a milia removal include:

  • A current active skin infection
  • An allergic reaction to anesthesia (if used)
  • Certain medications that affect healing or response to treatment

Self-assessment Scenarios

To help you determine if you’re a possible candidate for Milia Removal, consider the following examples:

  1. If you’re noticing small, hard, white bumps on your face- especially around the eyes and nose -, which don’t seem to go away with regular skincare routines or over-the-counter treatments, then you might have milia and perhaps could benefit from professional removal.
  2. If you’re taking medications that affect your immune system or healing, such as corticosteroids or immune-suppressants, you may wish to consult with your healthcare provider first. This doesn’t necessarily exclude you from the treatment; however, it might require additional caution or preparation.
  3. Individuals with a known allergy to anesthesia should also discuss this issue with their doctor before undergoing the procedure since local anesthesia may be used during milia removal.

Understanding the Cost of Milia Removal: Expense Ranges and Factors Affecting Pricing

Cosmetic Treatment Cost Comparison with Other Clinics In Melbourne

Cost Considerations for Milia Removal

The cost of milia removal can drastically vary depending on several factors. As a cosmetic procedure, it may not be covered by insurance, hence it’s important for patients to understand the financial implications.

Range of Potential Expenses

Typically, the cost of milia removal ranges from . Remember that multiple sessions might be required to completely remove all milia. Therefore, the total cost can be significantly higher.

Factors Influencing the Cost

  • Geographic Location: Just like many other services, the cost of milia removal can vary significantly depending on your geographic location. Large metropolitan areas with high costs of living could have higher prices than smaller towns.
  • Doctor’s Expertise: Experienced doctors who specialize in this procedure are typically able to charge more for their services.
  • Additional Services: Some clinics include the consultation fee within the procedure cost while others don’t. Furthermore, if anesthesia is used during your treatment (which isn’t common but can occasionally happen), this will also increase your overall bill.

Average Cost Ranges and Price Estimates

The specific costs of milia removal may vary widely based on these factors and others. As an estimate, patients should expect to pay between $75 and $250 per session – though again this depends on your unique circumstance. Total costs may range from $150 to >$500 if multiple treatments are required.

Please note this is an estimate and prices change over time or in different regions. Always research thoroughly and consult with several providers before making a decision.


Comprehensive Milia Removal Procedure Consultation Guidelines

A consultation is a crucial first step when considering milia removal. It provides an opportunity for you to discuss your concerns and goals with a qualified healthcare provider or professional. Remember, taking care of your skin requires expertise, knowledge, and skills. Hence, choosing the right professional is imperative.

What to Expect During Your Consultation

The consultation process for milia removal may vary from one health provider to another. However, there are standard protocols that most providers follow:

  1. Assessment: The provider will perform a detailed assessment of your skin condition. This generally involves a careful examination of the milia and surrounding skin areas.
  2. Discussion: Post-assessment, you should expect a detailed discussion about the proposed treatment plan. The provider will explain all aspects related to the milia removal procedure like potential benefits, risks, pre & post-care instructions and recovery expectations.
  3. Questionnaire: A good consultation process should provide ample time for you to ask questions regarding the treatment procedure or any concerns associated with it.

The Significance of Open Communication

All patients considering cosmetic procedures such as milia removal are encouraged to maintain open communication with their healthcare provider.

This practice not only helps build a trustworthy relationship but also enables them to collaborate in developing an effective treatment plan that aligns with their skin’s needs and aesthetic goals.

Never overlook the importance of consultation prior to any cosmetic procedure like milia removal as it is paramount in promoting transparency, understanding and ultimately achieves greater results.

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Take the first step towards realising your aesthetic goals. Contact us now to book your personalised consultation. Let's embark on this journey together, where your unique needs and preferences are at the forefront of our expert care.
Questions to Ask

Questions to Ask During Your Milia Removal Consultation

Before you go ahead with a milia removal procedure, it’s important to have an open and comprehensive discussion with your healthcare provider. Here are some key questions you need to ask during your consultation:

Potential Risks and Benefits

  • What potential risks are associated with milia removal?
  • What are the benefits of having this procedure? How long do they typically last?

Alternative Treatments

  • Are there non-surgical alternative treatments available for milia?
  • If so, what are they and how do they compare with the removal procedure in terms of risks, benefits, and costs?

Expected Outcomes

  • What kind of outcome can I realistically expect after the milia removal process?
  • How long does it usually take for the results to become pronounced?

Taking Notes and Keeping Records of Consultation

Taking notes during your consultation can be extremely beneficial as it allows you to revisit points discussed later. Here is how you can effectively do so:

  1. Come Prepared:You might forget your queries amid all the medical jargon. Thus, write down all your questions beforehand.
  2. Note Down Key Points:Don’t try to jot down every single detail. Instead, focus on important points such as potential risks, expected outcomes etc.

  3. Aim For Comprehension:Ensure that you fully understand everything your doctor tells you. If something isn’t clear, don’t hesitate to ask for clarification.
  4. Keep All Documents Organized:Post consultation, you’ll likely receive a variety of documents. Keep all of them safely stored and organized for future reference.

We hope these tips and key questions help you make the most of your milia removal consultation and guide you to make an informed decision about your treatment.

Risks and Safety

Risks and Safety Measures in Milia Removal Procedures

Potential Risks and Complications

Though milia removal iscommonly recognized for its minimal risk factors, like all medical procedures, it is not completely devoid of risks. Here are some potential complications:

  • Bleeding: Though not common, minimal bleeding could occur during the procedure.
  • Infection: Any skin treatment carries a minor risk of infection. Proper aftercare can minimise this risk.
  • Scarring: Improper technique or post-procedure care may result in scarring or skin indentation.
  • Skin Discoloration: There’s a slight chance of hyperpigmentation (skin darkening) or hypopigmentation (lightening) following milia removal.

Safety Measures in Place

To minimise these risks and ensure focus on minimizing patient risk during the milia removal procedure, the following precautions are taken:

  • Sterile Environment: The procedure is performed in a sterile environment to prevent infection.
  • Qualified Professionals:We only allow medical professionals with extensive training and experience to conduct this procedure.
  • Aftercare Guidance: Patients receive detailed after-care instructions to help prevent infection and scarring whilst promoting healing.

The Role of Informed Consent

Informed consent plays a crucial role in acknowledging potential risks. It involves educating the patient about the detailed aspects of the procedure, including potential risks, benefits, alternatives, post-operation care and any questions they may have. It is essential that patients fully understand what they’re consenting to before proceeding with treatment.


Milia Removal: Essential Preparation Steps and Guidelines

The success of your milia removal treatment can be significantly influenced by the steps you take to prepare for the procedure. It’s important to ensure that you are fully informed about what the preparation involves and have made necessary adjustments in your lifestyle following guidelines provided by your healthcare provider.

Lifestyle Adjustments

Depending on your medical history and current health status, certain changes may need to be made in your lifestyle for a certain period before the treatment. This may include maintaining a healthy diet, regular exercise, and good hydration levels, as well as refraining from certain habits like smoking or excessive alcohol consumption.

Dietary Restrictions

While there are generally no strict dietary restrictions before milia removal, eating a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables and lean proteins can enhance skin health and aid recovery post-procedure.

Medications To Avoid

Aspirin or medication containing aspirin should be avoided for at least a week before treatment. Aspirin can thin the blood which could lead to increased bleeding during the procedure. Similarly, any medication that compromises immune system function should also be shared with your healthcare provider.

An Important Reminder:

You should always consult with your healthcare provider regarding any medications you are taking—prescribed or over-the-counter—ahead of milia removal treatment.

  • Avoid using skincare products that contain irritating ingredients like retinol and glycolic acid at least one week prior to the procedure.
  • Make sure you cleanse your face thoroughly before coming in for your appointment as makeup can interfere with the removal process.
  • Inflammation or damage to skin should be reported to the provider prior to treatment as this may effect the safety or efficacy of milia removal.

The key thing to remember is to follow the pre-operative instructions given to you by your healthcare provider. This will ensure the best possible result from your milia removal treatment. Failure to adhere could potentially lead to complications or lower the effectiveness of the procedure. So, translate information into action and ensure a successful andminimal risktryst with beautiful skin!


Understanding the Steps of the Milia Removal Procedure

The process of milia removal can be comfortably performed by a healthcare professional in a clinic setting. This document provides an overview of the procedure, breaking it down into sequential steps to help you understand what happens before, during, and after the treatment.

Step-by-Step Procedure

  1. Consultation: Prior to treatment, it’s important to have a consultation with your cosmetic doctor. They will evaluate your condition and provide appropriate advice about the treatment.
  2. Preparation: You need to clean your face thoroughly before the procedure. Your doctor may apply a local anesthetic cream to reduce discomfort during extraction.
  3. Extraction Process: Your doctor will then use a sterile needle or scalpel to create a tiny incision over the milium. The hard keratin that forms the milium is gently squeezed out through this opening.
  4. Post-treatment Care: After removal, you might experience slight redness or swelling on the treated area for which cooling packs may be applied. It’s recommended not to apply make-up or skincare products immediately after treatment and avoid direct sun exposure.


You may require more than one session, depending on your condition and number of milia present. Healing time varies from person to person but is typically fast with minimal downtime.

Avoiding Milia Formation

Besides seeking professional removal, maintaining good skincare can help prevent milia from forming. Here are some tips:

  • Cleanse your skin twice daily.
  • Use sun protection daily.
  • Regularly hydrofoliate your skin to prevent dead skin cell build-up.

Contact Information

If you have more questions or concerns regarding your milia removal procedure, schedule a consultation at our clinic. We’re here to assist and address any uncertainties you might have prior, during, and after your treatment.


Milia Removal: Post-Procedure Recovery and Care

The recovery process after the procedure of milia removal is generally short and straightforward, typically lasting around one week. During this period, your skin might seem a bit reddened or swelled immediately after the procedure, but it will gradually improve.

Post-Operative Care Instructions

To ensure an efficient and smooth recovery:

  • Avoid direct sun exposure to the treated area.
  • Use prescribed creams and recommended skincare products to help your skin heal.
  • Avoid picking or scratching at the treated area to prevent scarring or infection.
  • Keep the area clean at all times.

Common Concerns

Pain Management

Pain or discomfort following a milia removal process is minimal. In case of mild pain, over-the-counter painkillers may be used, but consult with your doctor before starting any medication post-procedure.

Physical Restrictions

No significant physical restrictions are associated with this procedure. However, refraining from intense workouts for a few days post-procedure is advised as excessive sweating may irritate the skin.

Follow-Up Appointments

Evaluation post-procedure is crucial. Ensure you schedule follow-up visits with your cosmetic doctor for re-evaluation and to address any complications if they arise.

Potential Side Effects Or Complications

Note that complications are rare but possible:

In some cases, patients may experience signs of infection like prolonged redness, swelling, or pus formation. There might also have hyperpigmentation in extremely rare cases. It’s essential to contact your doctor immediately if any of these occur.


Results, Post-Procedure Timeline, and Aftercare Guidelines for Milia Removal

Expected Outcomes

Milia removal is generally a successful procedure, providing both immediate and long-term relief. In the short term, patients typically experience a noticeable reduction in the appearance and amount of milia. This can lead to an improved skin texture and aesthetic.

In the long-term, provided that aftercare guidelines are followed, the recurrence of milia can be significantly reduced. However, this also depends on individual factors such as skin type, lifestyle choices and overall health.

Visible Results Timeline

Visible results can be expected as soon as the healing process commences. This generally begins within a week following the procedure. However, full healing process may take anywhere from two to four weeks post-procedure depending on individual skin types and how well aftercare instructions are adhered to.

Potential Maintenance & Aftercare

To maintain optimal results following a milia removal procedure, it is essential to adhere to various aftercare instructions and potential maintenance practices.

  1. Clean your facial skin gently but thoroughly twice a day with a mild cleanser.
  2. Avoid sun exposure or use suitable sunscreen especially in the initial days post-procedure to mitigate risks of pigmentation changes or scarring.
  3. To prevent reintroduction or flareups of milia use non-comedogenic skincare products and avoid heavy face creams or oils that may block pores.
  4. It’s recommended that you have regular check-ups with your cosmetic doctorwho can monitor your skin’s ongoing condition and guide about any necessary additional treatments if required.

People Also Ask

What is Milia Removal?

Milia removal is a skin care treatment that involves the elimination of small white bumps, known as milia, typically found on the face. These bumps are generally harmless but can be cosmetically concerning for some individuals.

In normal circumstances, a cosmetic doctoror cosmetic doctor will remove milia using a sterile needle or Focused on surgical tool before extracting the tiny cysts.

The procedure is generally Minimally painful with minimum discomfort which can be alleviated through application of a local anesthetic depending on the patient’s level of comfort and the extent of milia to be removed.

While this procedure can be performed on individuals of all ages, it is typically recommended for adults due to their skin’s ability to heal quickly. Moreover, it’s important to consult with a cosmetic doctoror cosmetic doctor before undergoing any skin-based procedures.

Milia removal has minimal risk when conducted professionally in a controlled setting; however, potential side effects might include minor skin irritation or temporary redness around treated area.

Generally, your skin should heal within a week after undergoing milia removal procedure. However, healing time may vary depending on individual’s overall health and skincare regime.{

Milia should not be attempted at home as incorrect technique can lead to skin damage and potential scarring. It is always recommended to get them removed professionally.

While milia removal treatment effectively removes existing cysts, new ones might form over time dependent on individual’s skin condition and care. Regular skin care routine and follow-up with a cosmetic doctorcan prevent reoccurrence.

Results may not be immediate as the skin may need time to heal from the procedure, but improvements should be noticeable within two weeks.

Milia prevention generally relates back to maintaining a healthy skincare regime like regular cleansing, exfoliation and use of oil-free cosmetic products.

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Key Research Articles on Milia Removal

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