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Liquid Facelift
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Liquid Facelift Treatment in Melbourne

At Skin Club, we offer Liquid Facelift services in Melbourne. Our highly qualified doctors apply a non-invasive approach to revitalise your facial aesthetic. Furnishing subtle enhancements and improvements, the Liquid Facelift is an innovative procedure that uses dermal fillers to gently uplift facial features. Experience an added lift and freshness in your appearance with Skin Club’s Liquid Facelift service in Melbourne.
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Ask an Expert,
Dr. Vi Sharma

Medical Director | Gen.Reg- MED0001665706

Understanding the Liquid Facelift Procedure

The liquid facelift is a non-surgical process that involves the use of injectables such as dermal fillers and Botulinum toxin to rejuvenate the skin. This innovative treatment can address volume loss, lines, and wrinkles, providing a refreshed, youthful appearance.
A remarkable feature of this treatment is its minimal invasiveness and swift procedure time. Appointments usually last about an hour, depending on the extent of areas being treated, making it a convenient option for those with busy schedules.
As with any medical procedures, there might be potential side effects such as swelling or minor bruising at injection sites. These are typically temporary and subside within a few days.
It is essential to acknowledge that a liquid facelift is not a permanent solution. To maintain results, patients may require top-up treatments over time as injectables gradually dissolve over months or possibly years depending on the product used.
The liquid facelift treatment can be tailored to individual needs and target various concerns from forehead lines to under-eye hollows and nasolabial folds making it highly versatile facial rejuvenation option.
Risks and complications

All claims made on this website or in articles regarding cosmetic procedures are highly subjective and your experiences may vary.

The information provided is not intended as medical advice and should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

Recovery time, side effects, and pain associated with cosmetic procedures can also be subjective and can vary depending on the individual’s circumstances, perspective, and personal preferences.

The information provided on this website is not intended to replace the advice of a qualified medical practitioner and should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Each individual must consult with a qualified medical practitioner before making any decisions to undergo any cosmetic procedure.

The content on this website is for informational purposes only and does not constitute professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

Some procedures may have minimal downtime, while others may require several weeks or months of recovery.

The level of pain and discomfort can also range from mild to severe, however, in most circumstances, the minimal amount of downtime and pain is endured.

It’s important to have a clear understanding and realistic expectations of the procedure, the recovery process, and the potential risks and side effects before making a decision to undergo any cosmetic procedure.

It’s essential to have open communication with your medical practitioner to have a clear understanding of what you can expect during and after the procedure, and to make sure that you are making a well-informed decision.

It is essential that each individual consults with a qualified medical practitioner prior to undergoing any procedure. 

Every surgery has its own procedure specific risks. Some general risks that can potentially occur across a number of procedures include:
Undesirable Cosmetic Outcome

While cosmetic surgery aims for improved aesthetics, individual results may vary. Clear communication with your surgeon about your expectations is crucial to achieve the desired outcome.


Infection is a possible complication after any surgery. Strict sterile protocols are followed to minimize this risk, but it's essential to monitor for signs of infection and seek prompt medical attention if any concerns arise.


Pain is common after surgery, and appropriate pain management strategies will be discussed with you to ensure your comfort during the recovery period.

Nerve Damage

Nerve damage is a rare but potential risk associated with surgery. Surgeons take precautions to avoid nerve injury, but it's essential to be aware of this possibility.

Bruising and Swelling

Bruising and swelling are common side effects following surgery. These usually resolve over time as part of the healing process.


While efforts are made to minimize bleeding during surgery, some bleeding is normal. Excessive bleeding should be reported to your medical team.


Scarring is a natural part of the healing process after surgery. The extent of scarring can vary based on factors like the type of procedure and individual healing.


A seroma is a collection of fluid under the skin. It can occur after surgery and may require drainage or other treatments.

Anesthetic Complications

Anesthetic complications are rare but possible. Anesthesia providers are highly trained to minimize these risks.

This section provides useful information on general risks related to surgery. Similar information on the risks related to specific procedures provided on the relevant procedure page.

Before & After Photos of Liquid Facelift Result

Individual results may vary and are not guaranteed. The procedures shown on this website are not suitable for everyone and each patient’s results will depend on their individual circumstances. This website does not provide medical advice. If you are considering a cosmetic procedure, please consult with a qualified healthcare professional for advice.
Cosmetic Services Comparison
What's The Difference
Laser Clinics
Cosmetic Doctor
Nurse or Medical Doctor
1000+ Cases experience
Premium Products
Aesthetic Assessment
Complementary top ups
Free Initial Consultation
Evidence Based Treatments
Natural Results
Complication Management
No Doctor on-site
Sterile environment
Laser Clinics
Cosmetic Doctor
Nurse or Medical Doctor
1000+ Cases experience
Premium Products
Yes but biased with brands
Aesthetic Assessment
Complementary top ups
Free Initial Consultation
Evidence Based Treatments
Natural Results
Complication Management
No Doctor on-site
Sterile environment
Other Doctors
Cosmetic Doctor
GP / Part time Cosmetics
1000+ Cases experience
Premium Products
Cut costs
Aesthetic Assessment
Complementary top ups
Free Initial Consultation
Evidence Based Treatments
Natural Results
Complication Management
Sterile environment
Other Doctors
Cosmetic Doctor
GP / Part time Cosmetics
1000+ Cases experience
Premium Products
Cut costs
Aesthetic Assessment
Complementary top ups
Free Initial Consultation
Evidence Based Treatments
Natural Results
Complication Management
Sterile environment
Key Explains

The Five-Stage Approach to The Procedure

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Ask an Expert,
Dr. Vi Sharma

Medical Director | Gen.Reg- MED0001665706

Initial Consultation

During the first appointment, we will discuss your aesthetic goals. This step is designed to understand your concerns and to evaluate your suitability for the procedure.
A comprehensive facial analysis is performed to devise a customized treatment plan that can cater to your individual needs. This includes assessing skin quality, facial volume loss, and an in-depth understanding of the facial anatomy.
After completing a detailed assessment, we create a customized liquid facelift treatment plan that addresses all areas of concern. This plan takes into consideration a number of factors including the individual’s unique facial characteristics.
We execute the procedure in accordance with the agreed plan by using injectables in strategic areas of the face to restore volume and lift sagging skin without needing invasive surgical procedures.
After the procedure, instructions on post-procedure care will be provided followed by routine follow-ups. These steps are important to monitor progress and aid a smooth recovery process free from complications.
Treatments by Cosmetic Doctors

Your Cosmetic Clinic Journey, Simplified

Follow three straightforward steps to achieve your cosmetic goals, with high-quality care and support throughout.

Personalised Consultation

Book a consultation at our clinic where our experienced Australian medical professionals will assess your needs and discuss.


Expert Treatment

Proceed with the recommended treatments at our state-of-the-art clinic. We maintain high standards of care for every procedure.



We offer a detailed aftercare plan, supported by round-the-clock assistance. Rest assured, our Cosmetic Doctors are on hand 24/7.

The Cosmetic Doctor Difference

Latest Technology
Aftercare and Support
Experienced Doctors
Responsible Procedures
The Cosmetic Doctor Difference
We offer a detailed and personalised level of care to all of our patients. After your treatment, you will receive a details aftercare guide, along with after-hours phone support and booking for your complimentary review appointment.
Aftercare and Support
We use the newest technology for skin and body treatments. Our equipment is top of the line, sourced from the best globally.
Latest Technology
At SKIN CLUB – Cosmetic Doctors, you're in capable hands. Our medical team has over a decade of experience, ensuring all procedures are done with expert skill.
Experienced Doctors
Our clinic is committed to responsible practice. Post-procedure, our doctors are there to monitor your recovery.
Responsible Procedures
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Introduction To Liquid Facelift

A new era of facial rejuvenation, where cosmetic treatments are becoming increasingly non-invasive, allowing you to achieve stunning results with minimal downtime. One of the most promising advancements in the field is the Liquid Facelift.

Defining the Procedure: What is a Liquid Facelift?

A liquid facelift is an innovative non-surgical procedure designed to reduce signs of aging through the expert application of dermal fillers and Botulinum Toxin (Botulinum toxin).

The Purpose and Appeal

Unlike traditional facelifts that involve surgery, a liquid facelift addresses common age-related concerns without requiring any incisions or significant recovery time.
In essence, this means you can return to your daily activities almost immediately after being treated.

  • Volume loss correction: With age, our faces naturally lose subcutaneous fat leading to sagging cheeks and hollow eyes. Dermal fillers restore this lost volume creating a more youthful appearance.
  • Redefining features: By delicately shaping facial contours such as lips or cheekbones treatment can provide an attractive rejuvenation effect.
  • Fine-lines & wrinkles smoothing: Botulinum Toxin (Botulinum toxin) injections relax facial muscles reducing noticeable lines around your forehead, mouth or eyes.

A Brief Historical Context and Advancements

The concept of utilizing injections for facial rejuvenation started to gain popularity in the 1980s with the invention of Botulinum toxin. However, it wasn’t until recent decades when advancements in hyaluronic acid-based dermal fillers widened their range of application thus giving birth to what we now know as a ‘Liquid Facelift’.

This procedure has grown in popularity due to its comparatively low risk, accessibility and quick recovery time, making it a convenient option for those seeking non-invasive facial rejuvenation.


Ideal Candidates for Liquid Facelift

The ideal candidates for a liquid facelift are typically people between the ages of 30 and 65. These individuals may be beginning to see the signs of ageing, such as a loss of skin elasticity, hollowness, and the formation of fine lines or wrinkles. Overall, they should be in good health and have realistic expectations about the treatment outcome.

Health Criteria

A crucial factor that determines whether an individual is suitable for a liquid facelift is their overall health status. A candidate must be in good general health without any active skin infections or diseases that could complicate the procedure or healing process. They should not have any medical conditions that affect their blood or clotting ability. It’s also preferable if they don’t smoke as it might impair healing and cause complications.

Specific Conditions

  • Ageing: If there’s noticeable facial ageing with wrinkles, creases and skin sagging, these individuals are typically good candidates.
  • Skin Damage: Individuals who have experienced sun damage resulting in skin texture changes or pigmentation may benefit from this procedure.

Who Might Not Qualify for a Liquid Facelift?

The following factors might disqualify someone from undergoing a liquid facelift:

  1. Allergies:If people have allergies to any element in the injectable fillers, they aren’t suitable candidates.
  2. Different Expectations:If there’s expectation to correct severe sagging or drooping – surgical options may be better as a non-surgical facelift has its limitations.

Patient Scenarios

To aid in self-assessment, here are a few ideal patient scenarios:

  • Scenario 1: A 40-year-old woman with early signs of ageing, such as fine lines and slight skin laxity can be considered a good candidate.
  • Scenario 2: A 50-year-old man who has good skin elasticity but wants to reduce the appearance of smile lines and crow’s feet qualifies for this procedure.

Conversely, a less suitable patient scenario might include a person in their late 60s or early 70s with advanced signs of ageing who would benefit more from surgical intervention.


Financial Aspects of Liquid Facelift Procedure

Cosmetic Treatment Cost Comparison with Other Clinics In Melbourne

Cost of Liquid Facelift

The cost of a liquid facelift can widely vary depending on several factors. It is essential to understand that investing in any cosmetic treatment means investing in your self-confidence and well-being.

Initial Considerations

Potential expenses related to a liquid facelift procedure do not only encompass the cost of the surgery itself. They also include associated fees, which should be weighed into your decision for pursuing this treatment.

Factors Affecting Cost

  • Geographical Location: Where you choose to have your procedure performed geographically can dramatically impact the overall cost. In areas where the cost of living is higher, you can generally expect the cost for cosmetic treatments also to be correspondingly higher.
  • Doctor’s Expertise: The expertise and experience level of the cosmetic doctor performing the treatment will also contribute significantly to the procedure costs. More experienced doctors often charge higher fees.
  • Additional Services: Other services, such as anesthesia or use of operating facilities, can add substantial sums to the overall cost and should also be factored into your budget considerations.

Average Cost Estimates

Please note that these prices are approximates and actual costs can differ significantly based on individual circumstances. On average, you might expect a liquid facelift to range from anywhere between $2,000 to $5,000 per session. This figure might increase or decrease depending on various factors mentioned earlier.

To make a more informed decision about whether a liquid facelift is worth it for you—financially speaking—it’s important to discuss your goals and budget with a cosmetic doctor who can provide personalised advice based on your unique circumstances.


Crucial Role of Consultation for Successful Liquid Facelift Outcomes

The success of a liquid facelift significantly depends on the initial consultation where a detailed understanding of the expectations and desired outcomes of the patient is gathered. It’s crucial to schedule a consultation with an experienced healthcare provider or professional who has deep knowledge in facial anatomy and aesthetic medicine. This professional involvement ensures the safety and high-quality results for your treatment.

A consultation plays an essential part as it helps to make factual decisions based on individual health conditions, aesthetic goals, and an expert’s advice.

What To Expect During Your Consultation

Visiting a professional for a Liquid Facelift consultation isn’t an everyday task, so it’s reasonable to wonder what should you expect during this process. Here are some standard procedures that take place during most consultations:

  • An initial assessment: The healthcare provider will assess your overall health, skin condition, facial structure and discuss any allergies and medication you’re currently taking.
  • Detailed Discussions: The professional will deeply discuss your cosmetic goals, the result you wish to achieve through Liquid Facelift. Based on this discussion they may suggest adjustments according to what’s medically appropriate and aesthetically pleasing.
  • Opportunity to ask questions: A good consultation always includes room for questions. You should feel free to ask about anything related to Liquid Facelift be it cost, side effects, time required for recovery or any other concerns you have.

The Significance of Open Communication

Open communication between you and your healthcare provider is key to achieving satisfactory results from your Liquid Facelift. By discussing your goals, ideas and concerns with your provider openly can lead to better understanding as well as establish realistic expectations for the procedure outcome.

Rapport with your healthcare provider is essential. They should answer all your queries, guide you on the treatment plan and expected results. To sum, make sure you are comfortable speaking with them about every aspect of the liquid facelift procedure.

Ready to Begin Your Aesthetic Journey?
Take the first step towards realising your aesthetic goals. Contact us now to book your personalised consultation. Let's embark on this journey together, where your unique needs and preferences are at the forefront of our expert care.
Questions to Ask

Questions to Ask During Your Liquid Facelift Consultation

Having an open and informed dialogue with your healthcare provider is a crucial part of any cosmetic treatment. If you’re considering getting a liquid facelift, here’s a list of specific questions you should ask during your consultation.

Potential Risks

  1. What potential risks or side effects are associated with a liquid facelift?

  2. How common are these risks and complications?

  3. What precautions can be taken to minimise these risks?


  1. What benefits can I expect from this treatment?

  2. How long does it typically take to see results?

  3. How long do the benefits typically last?

Alternative Treatments

  1. Apart from a liquid facelift, what other treatments could achieve similar results?

  2. What are the pros and cons of these alternative treatments?

Expected Outcomes

  1. Based on my individual case, what results should I realistically expect?

  2. If I’m not satisfied with the outcome, what options will be available to me?

Tips for Taking Notes and Keeping Records

To ensure you remember all the details discussed during your consultation, it’s essential that you take detailed notes. Here’s some advice on how best to do that:

  • Don’t be shy about asking your doctor to slow down or clarify any points you’re unsure of. You have a right to fully understand your treatment.
  • Use a notepad or your phone to jot down important points during your discussion.
  • If possible, bring someone along with you who can also take notes and serve as another set of ears.
Risks and Safety

Cosmetic Procedures: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding Risks, Safety Measures, and Potential Complications

If you’re considering getting a Liquid Facelift, it’s crucial to understand the potential risks and complications associated with this non-surgical procedure. They can include:

  • Infection
  • Rejection of the fillers
  • Allergic reactions to the injected dermal fillers
  • Bruising, emotional swelling or redness at the injection site
  • Error in injection Placement Causing facial asymmetry or drooping
  • Rarely, damage to skin cells which may cause a wound, scarring, or discoloration

Safety Measures

We strictly adhere to several safety measures to minimise these potential risks:

  • Applying only FDA-approved dermal fillers.
  • All our cosmetic procedures are executed by highly skilled and certified cosmetic doctors.
  • We maintain high hygiene standards before, during, and after the procedure.
  • A detailed pre-procedure evaluation is undertaken to ensure the patient’s suitability for a Liquid facelift.
  • Frequent training sessions for our staff ensure proper handling and injecting techniques are correctly applied.

Informed Consent

The process of informed consent plays a vital role in acknowledging potential risks. Before undertaking a Liquid Facelift procedure, we will provide detailed information about all possible side effects and complications. You will then be asked to sign a consent form confirming your understanding and acceptance of these associated risks. Acknowledging this will empower you to make an informed decision about your treatment pathway.


Liquid Facelift Preparation Guide

Proper preparation is an integral part of any cosmetic procedure, including a liquid facelift. This includes lifestyle adjustments, diet modifications, and necessary precautions with certain medications. Below are the crucial steps to take before undergoing a liquid facelift.

Lifestyle Adjustments

Harmonizing your body to the procedure plays a significant role in smooth recovery and optimal results from the liquid facelift.

  • Avoid smoking: Smoking can interfere with the healing process by restricting the flow of oxygen.
  • Reduce alcohol intake: Alcohol can thin your blood, which may lead to increased bruising or bleeding during and after the procedure.
  • Maintain optimal hydration: Staying well-hydrated helps in faster recovery.

Diet Concerns

Your diet can impact your recovery and results significantly.

  • Avoid blood-thinning foods : Foods such as garlic, ginger, vitamin E rich foods are known to thin your blood and should be avoided in the days leading up to the procedure.
  • Increase intake of Vitamin A and C rich foods: These vitamins play an important role in healing and increase collagen production respectively. So adding these foods to your diet could accelerate healing after treatment.

Moving Forward with Medications

Certain medicines might need adjustments or avoidance before the procedure. Always discuss these with your healthcare provider.

  1. Aspirin and Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs): These medications can thin your blood, increasing the risk of bruising or bleeding.
  2. Prescription medicines: Consult with your healthcare provider if you’re currently on any prescribed medication. They might advise you to adjust dosage or stop temporarily.

The above preparation measures are generic and might vary according to individual needs. It is always recommended to adhere strictly to the personalised pre-operative instructions provided by your healthcare provider for optimal outcomes from a liquid facelift.


Step-by-Step Guide to the Liquid Facelift Procedure

A liquid facelift is a minimally invasive procedure designed to rejuvenate and refresh the appearance without the downtime or trauma associated with surgical procedures. As a cosmetic Doctor, I will provide a comprehensive step by step guide for understanding the process involved in a liquid facelift treatment.

Before the Procedure

  1. Consultation: During this initial stage, expectations and possible outcomes of the procedure are discussed. A complete facial analysis is also done to understand your unique needs and possibilities.
  2. Preparation: After determining your suitability for the procedure, you must adhere to any given pre-treatment instructions like avoiding certain medications or substances that can increase bruising and bleeding.

During the Procedure

The liquid facelift procedure typically involves these sequential steps:

  1. Cleansing: The face is cleaned thoroughly to remove makeup or dirt.
  2. Anesthetic Application: A numbing cream is applied on the areas to be treated to minimise discomfort during injections.
  3. Injectable Administration: Based on your individual needs and desired results, different kinds of injectables (fillers) are used. These are injected into specific areas of the face using very fine needles.

After the Procedure

Patient care does not end after administering treatment. Here’s what you should expect post-procedure:

  • Mainly, it’s normal to expect some level of swelling or bruises in the treated areas. However, these symptoms subside within a few days.
  • Patient is advised to follow certain post-treatment care instructions including avoiding strenuous activities, sun exposure, and wearing makeup for a given period of time.
  • A follow-up consultation is arranged to assess the results, adjust treatment if necessary, and address any concerns the patient might have.

It’s important to note individual results may vary as each patient’s biological reaction to treatment and healing process differs.


Recovery and Side-Effects After a Liquid Facelift

The recovery phase following a liquid facelift is usually straightforward, with minimal disruption to most daily routines. However, the process can vary depending on individual circumstances and response to treatment.

Post-Operative Care and Recovery Time

Post-operative care guidelines after a liquid facelift will be provided by your Cosmetic Doctor. It is essential to follow these instructions carefully for optimal results and to minimise any potential complications.

  • Avoid touching or massaging the treated areas for at least 24 hours post-treatment.
  • Avoid strenuous activities, exercise, and alcohol for at least 24 hours post-procedure.
  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle, including staying well hydrated and maintaining a balanced diet, to aid in your recovery.

The duration of recovery varies; however, patients generally report feeling back to normal within a week post-treatment.
Follow-up appointments occur within two weeks after the procedure, during which any concerns or questions can be addressed.

Pain Management

Pain following a liquid facelift is typically minimal. If discomfort occurs, over-the-counter pain relief medication such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen can help manage symptoms. Cold compresses may also reduce swelling and alleviate discomfort.

Potential Side Effects or Complications

As with any cosmetic procedure, there are associated risks. Fortunately, significant complications are rare with liquid facelifts.

  • Bruising/Swelling: This may occur in the areas where injections were made but will usually resolve on its own within a few days.
  • Redness/Discomfort: These are temporary and usually subside within a day or two.
  • Asymmetry: Should there be any cosmetic issues such as unevenness, they can be adjusted at the subsequent follow-up appointment.

Please reach out to your Cosmetic Doctor immediately if you notice any worrying symptoms or if side-effects persist longer than anticipated. Your health and satisfaction are our top priority.


Understanding the Results of a Liquid Facelift

The results of a liquid facelift can provide you with a more youthful, rejuvenated appearance. Here’s what you can expect:

Short-Term Outcomes

In the short term post-procedure, individuals may initially experience some minor swelling or bruising at the injection sites. However, the recovery phase is relatively fast and Minimally painful compared to those of more invasive procedures like surgical facelifts.

Long-Term Outcomes

In the longer-term, a liquid facelift could smooth out wrinkles and restore lost volume in your skin for several months to a year depending on your body’s response. The filler material slowly degrades naturally in your body over time; thus, the effect gradually fades.

Timeline for Visible Results

You will likely notice immediate improvements with optimal results visible after swelling has subsided within two weeks post-treatment period. However, the timeline can vary between individuals based on factors such as skin type, the extent of treatment needed, and individual healing rates.

Maintenance and Aftercare

To maintain the effects of your liquid facelift:

  • Follow aftercare instructions meticulously: This may include avoiding excessive sun exposure and strenuous activities immediately post-procedure.
  • Regular touch-up treatments: As aesthetic improvements from the procedure are not permanent, regular touch-ups every 6-12 months are generally recommended based on individual needs and responses to maintain results over time.
  • A healthy diet and skincare routine: Good skincare habits combined with balanced diet and hydration can help maintain skin health which in turn contributes to longer-lasting treatment outcomes.

People Also Ask

What is a Liquid Facelift?

A liquid facelift is a non-surgical, minimally invasive procedure that involves injecting advanced dermal fillers, such as calcium hydroxylapatite filler, hyaluronic acid-based fillers, and hyaluronic acid-based fillers to lift and contour facial features.

An ideal candidate for a liquid facelift is someone who wants to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging but prefers a non-surgical approach.

The level of pain varies depending on individual tolerance but overall discomfort is minimal due to numbing creams or local anesthetics that are used prior to treatment.

Liquid facelift can provide dramatic results such as smoother lines, fuller cheeks, reduced hollows under the eyes, and more defined lips.

On average, liquid face lifting takes about 15-30 minutes but it varies based on the areas being treated.

No, one of the major benefits of this procedure is zero downtime which means patients can resume their normal activities right after it.

The effects of a liquid facelift typically last from one to two years; however, lifestyle factors and individual metabolic rate can affect longevity.

All treatments come with a degree of risk, but for most people, side effects are minor and could include temporary redness, swelling or bruising at the site of treatment.

Absolutely. Many patients choose to combine liquid facelifts with other treatments such as Botulinum toxin or Laser Skin Rejuvenation to optimize results.

Prices vary depending on the extent of the treatment and the type of fillers used. It’s important to schedule a consultation with your cosmetic doctor for accurate pricing information.

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Key Research Articles on Liquid Facelift

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SKIN CLUB Cosmetic Doctors is located on Chapel Street near Windsor station, with accessible public transport and parking. Situated in the Chapel Street shopping district, we’re easy to spot.